2019 Hudy Indoor Championships

This weekend Team Associated drivers came to the annual Hudy Race held outside of St Louis, MO. It's a race that is sponsored and promoted by Xray/Hudy/RCAmerica and track owner Drew Ellis. The track was CRC black carpet 95' x 45'. For the first time they included the rising class of Vintage Trans-Am. Announcer Scotty Ernst was on the mic for the event.
The track was open for practice for two days to help lay down a groove and to be ready for Friday night qualifying. Team Associated drivers included Joe Trandell, Will "Stud" Jossens, Myron Kinnard, and privateer RJ Whiteside, with others running AE cars looking to make an impact at the event. We ran five qualifiers, and in the end Team Associated made that impact.
Joe Trandell led the way, taking 17.5 and 13.5 1:12 scale A Mains, with Shawn Rayfield grabbing third in both classes as well. Joe also finished fourth in the A Main in Mod 1:12 scale.
Privateer RJ Whiteside, running a TC7.2 with all Reedy Powered products, went from fifth to second in the B Main in Mod TC, and Will "Stud" was right behind him in third. Myron grabbed second place in the VTA A Main, and took seventh in the A Main in USGT.
Team Associated Reedy Power had a great showing as THE TEAM, and gave notice that we are still here and ready to compete. Thank you to our sponsors, families and to Drew and Prolevel for having us.
Team Associated - Champions by Design
Photos courtesy of Myron Kinnard. Thanks to Myron Kinnard for this report.