Team Associated / Reedy Winnings at the Victorian State Title

The final major race of the Australian calendar for 2018 was the Victorian State Titles, held at the Knox track in Melbourne with just over 100 entries received. Mother nature played a role this year with unseasonal heavy rain washing out practice and the scheduled 2WD day. The entire event was squeezed into the final day of racing, with the sun and traffic helping the outdoor clay track to groove up perfectly.
In the Modified classes, Team Associated / Reedy took 1-2-3 in qualifying for 4WD modified, with Ray Munday TQ from Andrew Selvaggi and 12-year-old Lachlan Munday. In the finals Ray took A1 from Selvaggi after a close battle, with Lachlan Munday taking his first state title A final in A2 to take it to A3. Ray took the win, giving him the overall title from Lachlan, with Selvaggi tieing for third but losing on a countback.
2WD Modified saw Ray narrowly miss out on TQ and the win, finishing second with another junior AE star 14-year-old Jordan Isergin taking third place for his first state title podium in the Modified class. Seven of of the A finalists chose the B6.1D!
In 2WD 17.5T, Ben Howard, driving a B6D took TQ, backed up his nationals TQ from six weeks ago. He then took out A1 and A3 for his first Victorian title!
2WD Junior (Under 16 17,5T): The junior class saw nine budding young racers (including three girls) battle it out for the title of Junior state champion! The Camilieri brothers have been tearing it up this year, with Claude (12) taking TQ from younger brother Camden (9) with Shelby 'the floss queen' Bloss (11) lining up third on the grid. The finals saw Camden take the win from Claude and Shelby after some awesome racing from all the kids. Eight out of the nine chose AE buggies!
Thanks to the Knox club for their hard work in preparing the track for racing after the heavy rain!
Products used
#90021 RC10B6.1D Team Kit
#90015 RC10B64D Team Kit
#27004 Blackbox 510R Competition ESC
#260 Reedy Sonic 540-M3 Motor 7.5 Modified
#265 Reedy Sonic 540-M3 Motor 5.5 Modified
#27323 Reedy Zappers SG 5800mAh 80C 7.6V Shorty
#27200 Reedy 1216-C2 Dual AC/DC Competition Balance Charger
#27100 Reedy RS1206 Digital HV Hi-Speed Competition Servo
#27108 Reedy RS0806 LP Digital HV Hi-Speed Competition Servo
Photos courtesy of Ray Munday. Thanks to Ray Munday for this report.