Team Associated RC8B3 Dominates Round 6 of the Swiss Nationals

Last weekend was round 6 of the Swiss Nationals near the lake of Geneva in the beautiful city of Morges, Vaud, Switzerland.
Many visitors came to watch the the best Swiss drivers race. The track consisted of natural grass and it changed a lot during the race - drivers did not expect to see any grass left in the finals! The track lost traction from lap to lap.
HRC's new driver and Patrick Höfer's new team mate Ronny Lüber (third position overall) entered with his all-new Team Associated RC8B3 Team Kit at fourth position. Swiss leader Patrick Hofer put his own RC8B3 at sixth position in the finals.
In the final event, Patrick's run was almost ruined with an early mistake, and he had to battle back from the last-place position. But Patrick played his Joker and showed an unbelievably fast pace during the 45-minute final. He not only regained his 8-second delay to catch back the field - he even passed driver by driver and took the lead in minute 30 of the race. Patrick won the race followed by Ronny.
We congratulate these two drivers who possibly played their best race ever!
Patrick was using the following Reedy products:
#80914 RC8B3 Team Kit
#315 Reedy 2100mAh RX Battery
#27100 Reedy RS1206 Servo (steering)
#27101 Reedy RT1508 Servo (throttle)
Thanks to HRC Distribution for this report.