Mike Blackstock Doubles in Minnesota!
Wednesday, Jan 1, 2003 at 12:00am UTC

At the 2003 ROAR Carpet Nationals, Team Associated's Mike Blackstock scored two National Championships, one in Modified Touring Car, and one in 1:12 scale.
Mike drove his Reedy-powered Associated TC3 touring car to the win in Modified Touring car, edging out teammate Mike Dumas' TC3, as well as the TC3s of Barry Baker (sixth), Billy Easton (eigth), and Josh Cyrul (tenth).
In 1:12 scale, Mike's Associated 12L beat Josh Cyrul for the win, and led the other four Associated 12Ls in the main: Top Qualifier Mike Dumas (third), Eric Desrosiers (fourth), Walter Henderson (eigth), Mark Adams (ninth) and Barry Baker (tenth).
Congratulations to Mike and the rest of the team on their outstanding performances!